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But [the angel] said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here.

See the place where they laid Him.

Mark 16:6

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The ministry of Nazareth Handyman is the prayer-intensive publishing of God-fearing messages (they can be READ, or LISTENED TO, or WATCHED here on this website) in the labor of "rebuilding the wall of Historic Christian doctrine" for the sake of the Church, which is the pillar and foundation of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15). In this present, evil generation, when the formerly glorious wall of the Church's obedience to Historic Christian doctrine now has been found "broken down, and its gates are burned with fire" (Nehemiah 1:3)--since the Church has been overtaken by such a multitude of teachers who compromise authentic Gospel doctrines and only turn men away from the truth (2 Timothy 4:3-4)--I have "sat down and wept, and mourned for many days" (Nehemiah 1:4). Concluding, afterwards, that the days are short and the call to rebuild is extremely pressing, I am praying that, in God's providence, His people will arise with me and "build the that we may no longer be a reproach" (2:17). I am praying that God's faithful, suffering children (suffering because of their faithful clinging to God's immutable Word), will arise and say, "Let us rise up and build!" and so set their hands to the work (v. 18). And though we build in perilous times, such that we are forced to work with one hand on our spiritual building tools while the other hand wields a sword of spiritual defense [Nehemiah 4:17], even as we are greatly persecuted for the sake of our Lord's blessed Name, our cry will remain, continually, "Our God will fight for us!" (4:20). I pray, then, that you will join me in the work.


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Messages for the not yet converted.

I Crucified Series
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"No. 2, Revelation 11:11"

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"Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem,
that we may no longer be a reproach

Nehemiah 4:18

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